Black Maternity Experience Launch Event 24.05.2022
On Tuesday 24th May 2022 we launched the UK’s largest report collected on Black Women’s maternity experiences to date at the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG).
The event was hosted by Rochelle Humes and Jeanette Kwakye and consisted of various panel discussions and keynote speakers.
Key note speakers on the day included:
Dr Christine Eckechi - Co-Chair RCOG Race Equality Taskforce
Mariam Knight - MBRRACE Lead
Jacqueline Dunkley Bent - Chief Midwifery Officer
Bell Ribeiro-Addy - MP for Streatham and Black Maternal Health APPG Chair
Eddie Morris - President of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology
Gill Walton - CEO of the Royal College of Midwives
Jayne Bekoe RCM Lead, Race Matters