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We need answers.

Black Women are now 2.9 times more likely to die and we need to know why. According to the MBRRACE UK, 2024 report (a report that looks into maternal deaths), Black women in the UK have an almost three fold higher risk of dying in pregnancy in comparison to a white woman. Historically, this number was five times more (MBRRACE 2018 & 2019), hence where the name of our campaign started.

Action is needed to address this disparity

Five X More is dedicated to making changes with its parliamentary lobbying to the government and recommendations to the NHS. It also focuses on empowering Black women and birthing people to make informed choices and advocate for themselves throughout their pregnancies and after childbirth.

We are also committed to calling on those in power to change the outcomes for Black women. Our government petition gained over 187,000 signatures in June 2020 and was debated in parliament on 19th April 2021 (watch back here). We have also submitted written and oral evidence to the Maternity Safety Enquiry that took on 15th December 2020.

In September 2021 for our awareness week there was a second debate in parliament on Black Maternal Health as well as a newly launched All Party Parliamentary Group - APPG of we provide the secretariat for.

At this point it is important to note that the UK has one of the lowest maternal mortality rates globally, but there is a clear disparity in who is dying and suffering from the worst outcomes and that is what this campaign focuses on changing.