
I decided to provide information on my hypnobirthing positive birth story in the hope that it would empower Black women like me in their pregnancy and birth journey.  

Given the statistics of maternal deaths in Black women, we need to be aware and fully informed of all aspects of our care during pregnancy, birth and motherhood. This can give us the confidence to call it out and question your health care professional if in doubt or want to know more. 

As a medical doctor and general practitioner, I am aware of what happens during pregnancy and birth however I still needed to do the course to fully immerse myself and prepare for birth and motherhood. Hypnobirthing gives you a grounding in the science of what happens during labour, the hormone changes, how stress can affect labour and how we can improve on this to have the birth we want and deserve. During my pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, it was important to follow the course,  practice daily and listen to the hypnobirthing audio as directed by the hypnobirthing practitioner. It was also vital to have a highly reliable birthing partner that can be an advocate during labour and go through every aspect of the birthing plan. 

As a birthing mother, it was important that my birth companion and I knew our rights and always used BRAINS in making decisions along with your health care professionals- What are the BENEFITS? 

What are the RISKS? 

What are the ALTERNATIVES? 

What does your INTUITION say? 

What if we do NOTHING? 

Can we have some SPACE to discuss this?

Having a positive birth experience is the foundation to a smooth progression into motherhood and beyond. It certainly spurred me to want to support mothers and get involved in @tintoapp, the app for modern motherhood. 

I cannot thank my hypnobirthing practitioner @akriti_official enough for her support during my pregnancy and birth. 



